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Showing posts from January, 2018

Detox: How complicated can it be?

Detox: How complicated can it be? What do you know about toxins? What are they, how do they enter your body, what does your body do with them, and most importantly, how does it get them out? People come into contact with toxins every time we go outside. They are circulating in the air we breath. Wood smoke in the winter, pollens in the spring, automobile exhaust, cleaning products and the list goes on. Toxins enter our bodies in the food we eat and the liquids we drink, and the personal care products we use. Our bodies and wonderful machines. They are designed to process everything it comes in contact with. It processes the food we eat into nutrients we use for energy and eliminated the waste products very efficiently. The design of our bodies works wonderfully until it is overworked with excess from our habits and our environment. Then we become toxic. You may recognize some of the symptoms of  toxicity, they include but are not limited to: Fatigue Brain f...