Insulin Resistance Have you heard the term Insulin Resistance (IR)? Have you been diagnosed with it? If so, consider it a gift and an early warning that Diabetes type 2 is on its way. Armed with the knowledge that something is going wrong in your body, you can do something about it. Yes, you have that control. You do not have to slide down the road that your family members did, You have the power in your own hands. Here is a quick introduction to IR and how you can control your health. In a simplified nutshell, when we eat carbohydrate/sugar, insulin shows up on the scene and opens the door on the cell for sugar to go in and help it make energy. When we have IR there is always so much sugar and insulin running around that the cell won't open its door anymore. If the sugar can't get into the cell, it calls for more insulin to help, and so on. Insulin is a hard worker. It will take that sugar and put it somewhere. It starts piling it up in the liver then around the organs and ar...