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Showing posts from May, 2021

Top 5 Nutrients to Consider For Longevity

 Top 5 Nutrients to Consider For Longevity The World Health Organization reported that the number of individuals worldwide over 60 years old is expected to double by 2050. (29) With this increase in our aging population, understanding the factors that impact health and disease as we age becomes necessary to maintain longevity and quality of life. From Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease to osteoarthritis and atherosclerosis, the risk of several chronic health conditions increases with age. (16) While aging is a normal process, many chronic diseases associated with aging can be prevented and even reversed. (3)(5)(28) Certain lifestyle and dietary modifications can help to support human longevity and health throughout the lifespan. (28) This article outlines the concept of aging and longevity, as well as the top nutrients to include in your diet to promote extended life expectancy. What are longevity and aging? Also referred to as senescence, aging is the progressive and normal deter...
Insulin Resistance-- More Dangerous Than High Cholesterol Contrary to what most people have been told, elevated cholesterol is not the villain it has been made out to be.  Unfortunately, many people are chasing the wrong criminal when it comes to improving health outcomes. The medical literature is exploding with the dangers of insulin resistance in the increase of cardiovascular disease and other disease entities. It is reported that chronic insulin resistance is also associated with various types of cancer such as colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, endometrial cancer, and breast cancer. Insulin resistance is when cells in your muscles, fat, and liver don't respond well to insulin and can't use glucose from your blood for energy. To make up for it, your pancreas makes more insulin. Over time, your blood sugar levels go up. Some signs of insulin resistance include: A waistline over 40 inches in men and 35 inches in women Blood pressure readings of 130/80 or higher A fa...

Preventing Diabetes Type 3

Did you know that poor brain function can be related to your diet? You may have noticed that when you eat certain foods you get a cloudy feeling or have a hard time finding words when you are talking. This is a common symptom related to eating sweets, processed foods, and damaged fats. But also eating foods that your specific body is sensitive to. Even healthy foods can cause you to develop brain fog and neuro-inflammation. These symptoms soon go away, depending on how resilient you are. But your resilience will wane with continued exposure to specific foods. When things start going bad we start to develop named diseases. One disease specifically related to damaging your brain is Diabetes type 2. Diabetes is when your body's cells become resistant to insulin signaling and can't get glucose into the cell for energy. Insulin is a very hard worker, when it can get glucose into the cell, it stores it as fat for future use. Having fat build up around your middle and in your liver ca...