Everyone has it, no one wants it. Stress is overwhelming and it's no wonder., people are trying to get it all done and trying to multi-task unsuccessfully. According to a study from Journal of Experimental Psychology, when we multitask we are not as efficient in that task and our brain has a hard time switching between tasks. There is such a thing as metabolic fatigue. It takes energy to have mental focus and our brains have limited supply. So when we are trying to do many tasks at one time that energy is used up too quickly. This leads to mental and physical fatigue.
Multitasking is an overlooked source of stress. Most people are familiar with combatting stress by getting enough sleep, eating healthy and avoiding sugars. Even going as far as removing troublesome people from their lives help manage stress. Looking into ways to focus on one task or one project at a time can really make all the difference in the vitality of your life. Try these tips:
- Put your phone away while trying to get things done. Those notifications are distracting and will interrupt your train of thought.
- Do all similar tasks at one time, such as paying bills or answering emails. It improves your productivity and reduces errors.
- Putting off activities until a time you won't be interrupted. Return phone calls when the kids aren't home.
- Be present when you are with your children. It will strengthen your relationship and add trust. Put your phone away and don't try to get work done.
- While eating pay attention to your food. Enjoy the taste and the texture. Be aware of when you are full and stop eating.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance (Vol. 27, No. 4)
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